FCP™ Descending Temperature Indicators are single-use indicators designed to help shippers identify if a shipment was exposed to unacceptably cold temperatures during its trip.
When the temperature drops below the predetermined temperature threshold the circle window in the center of the indicator turns from green to red to indicate a temperature breach has taken place.
The FCP™ Descending Temperature Indicators are self activating with a non reversible change in colour from green to red when a temperature breach has occurred with an immediate activation time. Temperature accuracy is ± 1°C. Shelf life is one year.
Available Temperatures
-2°C | 0°C | 2°C | 15°C
4°C / 39°F (Upon Request)
6°C / 43°F (Upon Request)
10°C / 50°F (Upon Request)
- Descending temperature indicator
- Irreversable colour change
- Self-activating

- Floral
- Specimens
- Chocolate
- Tissue samples
- Pharmaceutical
- Meal delivery
- Raw and cooked meats
- Chemicals